{{detailCtrl.mainImageIndex + 1}}/5




  • natural white


  • natural black



ご注文後約5営業日後のお届けとなります Item will be shipped within 5 business days 円錐の上部を持ち上げると、すぱっと斜めに割れて現れる靴べら。動物の角(=horn)を削って作っていたことが「shoehorn(=靴べら)」の語源。一本の木材から削り出すことで、中に仕込まれたネオジウム磁石で固定された「台座」と「靴べら」の木目は限りなく揃い、まるで一本の角のようになりました。片手で手軽に取り外せるように、台座には重りが内蔵されています。 When you lift the top part of the cone, the shoehorn comes away like a conic section. As the name suggests, shoehorns were first made by carving animal horns; the shearing motion of this shoehorn pays homage to its origins. The shoehorn and stand, connected by an embedded neodymium magnet, are carved from a single block of wood for complete continuity of the wood grain. The shoe horn can be removed with one hand; the stand is weighted for proper resistance ●size (mm) H:550 W:60 D:60 ●weight (g) 600
