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circle+square vase



  • white



nendo house限定商品 / nendo house limited ご注文後約5営業日後のお届けとなります Item will be shipped within 5 business days 正面からは歪んだ形に見えるものの、右斜め60度から見ると「四角柱」に、そして左斜め60度から見ると「丸柱」に。 玄関や部屋の入り口に置くと、入ってくる時と出ていく時とで印象に変化が生まれ、「ようこそ」「またこんど」と呟かれたような気持ちになる、そんな花瓶です。 2つの「視点」を設定し、それぞれの視点から擬似的な「四角柱」と「円柱」を伸ばすことでそれらが交差した線を抽出し、これを元に花瓶をデザインしました。 After two points of view were established, an imaginary quadrangular and pseudo-cylindrical shapes were stretched out from each viewpoint. The lines of intersection were then extracted to serve as the framework of the vase’s design. From straight on, the vase appears distorted, but it takes on a quadrangular appearance when viewed at 60 degrees to the right and a cylindrical look from 60 degrees to the left. Placed at the entrance of a home or room, the vase shapeshifts with different impressions for approaching and departing viewers, as if to murmur welcome and ’til next time. ●material 磁器 / Porcelain ●size (mm) H:180 W:96 D:47 ●weight (g) 345
