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NJP Wall / wall lamp short arm (build to order)



  • white


  • black


  • light grey


  • dark grey


※海外への発送は対応しておりません / This item cannot be shipped internationally ご注文後約5ヶ月後のお届けとなります Item will be shipped within 5 months 直接光と、空間への柔らかい間接光を、1つのランプが同時に発するのがルイスポールセン製品に共通する特徴を踏まえ、シェードは、デスクトップへと光を放つとともに、上部にある煙突のような穴からも光が漏れ、アーム部を間接光で照らす構造にしました。「デスクランプらしい」シェードの形状とサイズを心がけ、また、スイッチもタッチセンサーやグラデーション状の調光機能付きではなく、あえてクリック感が心地よいボタンを採用し、消灯・ 強・弱の3段階というわかりやすい構成にすることで、使い手に技術力の高さを誇示するのではなく安心感を与えてくれます。 A wall lamp, updating Jacobsen’s iconic “AJ wall” design for the modern space. One of the characteristic features of Louis Poulsen products is their ability to emit both direct and spatial light simultaneously, and this new design is no different. The “NJP wall’s” unique shade lights up one’s room directly, while also letting light out through a chimney-like hole at the top of the lamp, thereby glowing up the arm with a warm and soothing indirect light. The light shade is made out of heat-radiating aluminium, while the upper hole also releases heat effectively. You can therefore touch the shade to change the direction or position of the lamp with ease and precision. The on/off switch has also been positioned just at the point where your fingers touch when clasping the shade. This wall lamp is designed with a more traditional shade size and shape that has a sturdy clickable button which switches between the three simple modes of “Off”, “Dim”, and “Bright”, minimizing any technical demands on the user and focusing above all on practicality and ease of use. In contrast to the relatively large shade, the arm is simple, and the thickness and number of its spring-coils have been meticulously calculated to allow for the smoothest of movement and natural stationary state. ●size (mm) H:?149(シェード) W:- D:150(アーム) ●weight (g) 700
