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ballerina / low table 50 black (build to order)

1,391,500 JPY

About shipping cost

  • black marquina marble

    1,391,500 JPY

ご注文後約2ヶ月後のお届けとなります Item will be shipped within 2 months 天然大理石製の家具を専門とするイタリアのブランド「Marsotto edizioni」。 大理石が本来持つ重厚感は残しつつも、脚の先端部の内側を円弧状にして脚元に軽やかさを与え、重さと軽さという相反する要素が同居したデザインになることを考えたサイドテーブル。 まるで爪先立ちをしているかのような佇まいから「ballerina」と名付けられました。 A side table designed for Marsotto edizioni an Italian brand specializing in marble furniture. Two contradicting elements which are lightness and weight were mixed, which is achieved by cutting out a part of the tip of the legs in a shape of an arc so to give the legroom some lightness, whilst maintaining the inherent dignity of the marble. It was named “ballerina” after its appearance embodying standing on tiptoes. ●size (mm) H:500 W:400 D:400 ●weight (kg) 15

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