reclaimed oak wood seat × black anodized alminum legs
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エメコ社が1944年から米国海軍の潜水艦や船で使用するためのアルミニウム製の椅子「1006 Navy chair」を生産開始して以来、77段階の工程から出来上がるこの椅子は、錆びにくく、強靭で、軽く、リサイクル性が高い点が、多くの人々に愛されてきました。この「1006 Navy chair」の精神性を継承した新たなスツールとして、「SU」が開発されました。
座面は「1006 Navy chair」の特徴である凹みを再現することによって同様の座り心地となり、再生PET樹脂、再生アルミニウム、セメント、再生オーク材という4種類の環境負荷の少ない素材からお選びいただけます。
Since 1944, Emeco has manufactured its aluminium 1006 Navy Chair for the US Navy’s ship and submarine fleet. The chair, made from a 77-step process, is rust-resistant, strong, light and highly recyclable, characteristics which have made it well-loved by users since its launch. Our new ‘SU’ embodies the spirit of the 1006 Navy Chair. The stool’s seat can be easily removed with a single coin and the legs stacked on top of each other.The seat replicates the curves and indentations of its inspiration for extreme comfort and is available in four low environmental impact materials: recycled PET resin, recycled aluminium, cement and reclaimed oak. The legs come in three variations ? natural aluminium, black-painted aluminium and oak ? and the stool is available in three heights: a low stool, a high stool and a bar stool. In addition to the stools, we designed four matching tables. The naming, ‘SU’, refers to the Japanese word ‘su’, which means ‘basic, simple and pure’. We removed any unnecessary elements from the chair’s design, taking it to a pure, simple and basic state.
●size (mm)
H:760 W:487 D:470
●weight (kg)